To customize the product catalog, go to Customizer → WooCommerce → Product Catalog.
Here you can customize the following options:
Catalog Settings
Shop page display
Choose whether to show categories and/or products in the catalog. Choosing Show categories & products will show the categories first and then the products. If you click on a category, you will be moved to that category and only products in that category will be shown.
To update the category images, go to the WordPress Admin and then Products → Categories. Opening a category here will enable you to upload an image for that category.
Category display
Same as above, but on category pages.
Default product sorting
Choose default sorting of products in the catalog. You can also choose whether the user should be able to change the sorting or not. See Sorting option.
Products Per Page
Products per row
The number of products per row on larger screens. Note that two products per row will always be shown on mobile.
Rows per page
Number of rows of products on larger screens (will be more on mobile since there’s fewer products per row).
Example: Selecting 3 products per row and 3 rows per page will show 3 x 3 = 9 products per page. On larger screens, 3 products will be shown on each row. On smaller screens, 2 products will be shown per row, but still 9 products in total.
Filter & Sorting
Enabling this option will show the Filter. Read more about how to set up the filter.
Nr of products
Enabling this option will display the nr of products on larger screens. It will not show on mobile.
Sorting option
Enabling this option will show the product sorting dropdown. You can choose the default sorting option under Default product sorting.
Product Cards
The following options will toggle what will show for each product card.